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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The GCC governments are facing key challenges as they strive to increase ICT adoption and effectiveness, a problem rooted in the lack of key enabling resources, inadequate infrastructure, and, at times, transient funding and oversight, according to a new study by Booz & Company.

In recent years, governments in the GCC have invested significantly to modernise the ways in which they deliver government services to their citizens. To successfully implement such initiatives, they have taken steps to improve their information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure, a critical element of knowledge-based economies and sustainable growth.

A number of regional governments have gone further and formalised large-scale collaborative egovernment transformation programmes, with marked success.

"A robust e-government agenda should properly cover all three dimensions by defining the services the government wants to offer in order to drive improvements in the supporting environment and readiness factors," said Ramez Shehadi, a partner of Booz & Company. Because those services are generally defined or known, most government technology transformation projects prioritise the environment and readiness dimensions, which are considered foundational to improving the accessibility, cost, efficiency, convenience, and customisation of government services.

Today, GCC countries are constrained by a number of issues that are restricting access to government services, increasing the costs of service delivery, reducing citizens' satisfaction, and stifling modernisation efforts. To overcome these challenges, governments should develop comprehensive, well-funded, multi-year programme plans aimed at ensuring the four environment factors are properly addressed.

Today, GCC governments are increasingly attuned to the potential of information and communications technology to deliver services more efficiently.

"Within the past five years, the vast majority of governments have created dedicated centralised entities to oversee ICT investments across multiple government agencies. This kind of high-level political sponsorship, which is essential for the success of any ICT modernisation programme, needs to be further developed," said Raymond Khoury, a principal at Booz & Company. Central ICT entities should be supported by a clear mandate that is aligned with the country's aspirations and vision, and driven by a highly visible champion. Such entities should be empowered to resolve any ambiguities or conflicts that arise, and to set a shared agenda across government agencies. They should also be authorised to secure the necessary human and financial resources to support the various initiatives for which they are tasked.

Many countries in the GCC region have established a basic legal and regulatory foundation to facilitate ICT adoption in the private and public sectors. One area in need of regulatory attention is the underutilisation of encryption and other advanced security mechanisms needed to gain the public's trust in ICT-based services. As governments move toward ICT-based transactional services, users must be confident that their transactions are legal, and that their sensitive information will not be compromised or misappropriated.

"Government agencies also need clear guidelines and standards to enable them to collaborate and exchange information in a secure networked environment," said Jad Bitar, a principal at Booz & Company. In the absence of such regulations, government agencies are not motivated to collaborate internally or share information with other agencies. In addition, the lack of a clear regulatory framework for establishing confidentiality and access to information rights is resulting in lower PC and Internet adoption rates than in developed countries.

"Developing and deploying government interoperability frameworks makes it easier to integrate different ICT platforms and exchange data within and between government agencies, as well as between government and businesses," said Shehadi.

"In tandem with developing environment enablers, GCC governments must also ensure that key resources are at hand to help execute their transformation strategies," Khoury said. "To enhance the effectiveness of ICT investments and programmes, ICT departments within government agencies should adopt best-in-class ICT processes and develop capabilities, especially around ICT planning and management, which are fundamentally lacking in the region," added Bitar.

In a nutshell, the Governments across the GCC face tough challenges in building and sustaining their ICT capabilities, largely because of a shortage of skilled employees and the processes needed to plan and manage ICT services, as well as a lack of coordination when it comes to making ICT investments.


Quelle/Source: Zawya, 12.07.2010

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