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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government of Dominica says it is going “E” and on June 25, 2008 made funds available to facilitate that new focus.

At a presentation ceremony on Wednesday an initial amount of EC $ 37 thousand was made available to the Reform Management Unit (RMU) for the construction of government’s website.

The funds are being made available under the European Union funded ICT development program and according to project officer Daniel Reid a total of EC $ 900,000 will be made available for ICT development in the government system.

“We will also be looking at doing a comprehensive assessment of the ICT needs within all government ministries and departments. We have allocated about 15 thousand Eros and that will be done almost immediately.”

Reid said 25 thousand Eros would be made available to the RMU for the networking of all government departments. Two hundred thousand Eros for equipment and infrastructure for the wider use of ICT’s within the E-government.

“We are also considering another an additional request by the RMU for another 72 thousand Eros which will go toward the set up of an ICT unit,” he added.

When all is said and done the RMU could have EC $ 1.2 million to develop ICT in the government of Dominica and Reid has said the public could soon be harvesting the benefits of that initiative.

Receiving the 35 thousand-dollar cheque for the RMU was Cecelia Carr the acting Senoir Administrative Officer.

“The EPTD acknowledges the financial contribution of the SFA 2005 ICT Development Programme through the European Union in this process; in particular, funding for the continued development of the Government of Dominica website; the consultancy to conduct an ICT infrastructural assessment and the payment for provision of network services. The Department continues to work relentlessly at sourcing the required funds in order to successful implement Dominica’s e-Government programme,” Carr said.

A large group of media persons were on hand to witness the presentation. Telecoms director Sylvester Cadette also gave brief comments at the presentation ceremony.


Quelle/Source: Dominica News Online, 26.06.2008

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