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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Yangon government is expanding its e-services to further ease business with various agencies and departments, a regional minister said.

Information about the different routes of the YBS and the buses serving the routes has been made available through its website;, said U Zaw Aye Maung, Yangon Region Minister for Rakhine Ethnic Affairs.

“We want to serve the public so they can learn through the e-government system about what the government is doing and what services it is providing, what tender it is calling and what cases are being discussed at Hluttaw,” he said at the Digital Transformation Submit held at Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers and Industry (UMFCCI) on November 8.

“If people want to know about the requirements for expanding or applying to land grants, they can access the Yangon website for information. They can also find about tenders in the Yangon Region,” he said.

Yangon Region started providing e-services through its website in October 2013. On the online platform, citizens can apply to 21 different permits.

Through the regional government’s website (, people can find links to other government websites, such as to apply for car parking permits, among others; or, the website of the Road Transport Administration Department, which provides online-booking for people wishing to take the driving license examination.

U Thant Sin Maung, Union Minister for Transport and Communications, said that there are still very few people who are accessing the government websites.

He added that it is important to review the management of e-government procedures and find more ways to increase traffic to the various government websites - noting that even though the websites are helpful and functional, if nobody is accessing them, they fail to fill their purpose.

In the 13 years since the e-government system was first created, in 2004, Myanmar ranks 169 out of 193 countries in the e-government index, U Thant Sin Maung said.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Aung Kyaw Nyunt

Quelle/Source: Myanmar Times, 13.11.2017

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