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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Government of Myanmar are working on designing an e-governance masterplan for the country. The ADB is expected to invite shortlisted consulting firms to submit proposals this week for the USD 1.5 million project.

Having recently opened its doors to international engagement, the Myanmar is undertaking efforts to gain and maintain competitiveness at a global level. The Government has formed an inter-ministerial task force for appraisal of public service performance to improve public service delivery with a focus on streamlining bureaucratic processes and eliminating red tape.

Presidential Adviser, Aung Tun Thet, said, “Government working practices are changing to involve fewer people and rely more heavily on technology. While the Government had introduced an e-government system into ministries last year, it has not yet reached the level we want”.

“The Myanmar Ministry of Communication and Information Technology is leading the e-government project and the budget is being made available to assist that process. We hope to develop it further in the future”, he added.

According to the ADB, one of the key issues facing the Government as it seeks to introduce ICT systems to strengthen public service performance is the lack of a coherent and systematic approach to the design, evaluation and adoption of such systems.

This may lead to the development of e-government systems on an ad-hoc basis, which may prove to be inappropriate and incompatible to allow the agencies to effectively share information, says the ADB.

“Therefore, such ICT solutions will have to be undertaken comprehensively by way of developing an e-Governance master plan, identifying and satisfying demand systematically”.

In order to support this initiative with skilled human resource, review of ICT capacity in academic institutions in Myanmar is also expected to take place. This may lead to capacity development and demonstration activities in order to improve the digital accessibility and cost-effectiveness of the institutions.

The Government’s approval for the project is expected to be received in August, after which, the project will begin in September.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Medha Basu

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 12.08.2013

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