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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
At its meeting on 15 April 2014, the Swiss eGovernment Steering Committee laid the foundations for the continuation of collaboration in eGovernment. Indeed, the framework agreement concerning such collaboration between the Confederation and the cantons expires at the end of 2015. In the course of 2014, it will define the strategic goals and develop various options for future organisation and implementation of eGovernment. These options will be submitted to the political authorities in 2015. In addition, the Steering Committee has approved the final report on the Action Plan for 2013.

A framework agreement under public law governs cooperation between the different levels of the federal Government with regard to the implementation of the Swiss eGovernment strategy, which dates from 2007. This agreement is valid until the end of 2015. The Steering Committee of eGovernment Switzerland charged in November 2013 the Programme Officer to develop the operational management, with the assistance of the various actors in the field, the legal bases and institutional necessary, by 2016, further collaboration on eGovernment. The Steering Committee has now approved the objectives, organisation and planning of the project and decided to further the work.

Since 2007, the Confederation, cantons and municipalities have developed eGovernment Switzerland in a decentralised but coordinated manner. Various governments, organisations, associations and companies are involved in the implementation of priority eGovernment projects. In order to make an inventory of progress and assess the current organisation of eGovernment, a survey was conducted at the beginning of 2014 with the various players in the field. The responses and the results of a first workshop of experts now enable the Steering Committee to consider the strategic development programme of eGovernment Switzerland. In this context, several options for the future organisation of eGovernment will be defined. These will be presented to the Steering Committee in the middle of 2014 and submitted for review to the cantons, municipalities and interest groups in a technical hearing. The political process to create the future legal basis for eGovernment collaboration in Switzerland begins in early 2015.

The Steering Committee approved the final report on the 2013 eGovernment Action Plan. Thanks to the funds they received, leading organisations have mostly been able to accelerate the realisation of their projects and implement the measures. In addition, the Steering Committee took note of the progress of the 2014 Action Plan and the schedule for the 2015 Action Plan. The needs of the cantons must be taken into account sufficiently early in the development of the 2015 Action Plan. Deadlines for the 2015 Action Plan are published on the website of eGovernment Switzerland.

Further information:

Original news article - News Portal of the Federal Administration (in French)


Quelle/Source: epractice, 15.05.2014

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