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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The creation and the constituent meeting of the electronic voting (eVoting) Steering Committee took place on 19 August 2011 in Berne under the direction of Federal Chancellor Corina Casanova. This new coordinating body will be tasked with supporting the ongoing implementation of the eVoting project and studying future strategic proposals.

The strategy document 'eVoting Roadmap' ('La Feuille de Route du Vote Électronique', in French) which was discussed by the Conference of Government Chancellors at its spring meeting provided for the establishment of a nine-member eVoting steering committee responsible for dealing with all strategic and political issues.

Following its formation, the steering committee intends to sit at least twice a year and its purpose is to assess the progress of the eVoting project and to monitor the implementation of the roadmap objectives. It will examine and consolidate the strategic objectives of the Federal Chancellery on eVoting before submission to the Federal Council and Parliament. Furthermore, the committee will act as a liaison body and discussion platform in the eVoting domain. It consists of representatives from the Confederation and the cantons.

The cantons of Geneva, Neuchâtel and Zurich have been conducting eVoting pilot trials since 2004; thirteen cantons are currently participating in trials. The eVoting project is coordinated by the Federal Chancellery. At the last federal election held on 13 February 2011, about 177 500 qualified voters were given the opportunity to cast their vote electronically. Approximately 22 000 Swiss expatriates registered in the cantons of Basel-City, St. Gallen, Grisons and Aargau will be able to vote electronically at the 2011 election of the National Council. This first trial for elections at the federal level constitutes a new important step.

Approved in April 2010, 'eVoting Roadmap' provides an overview of the eVoting rollout strategy for the coming years. It lays down common objectives and milestones so as to ensure optimal coordination between the Confederation and the cantons, as well as defines measures to drive the eVoting project forward. Furthermore, the Federal Chancellery has set as a goal to permit the majority of qualified Swiss expatriate voters to cast their ballots electronically in federal elections by 2015.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 08.09.2011

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