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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Oman Arab Bank have announced their agreement to begin the implementation of the e-payment system at the chamber using the newly launched OAB Smart Card system for the payment of fees. The agreement was signed by Mohammed Nasser Al Shoraiqi, director-general of OCCI, and Bishara S. Qafiti, deputy general manager of OAB.

OAB Smart Card is the first step towards a full-fledged e-payment gateway in the Sultanate of Oman. It will enable both government and private sectors to implement e-commerce applications such as G2C, B2B and B2C through the use of highly secured off-line transactions and at a later stage on-line transactions through the Internet.

OAB Smart Card has some great benefits to customers, government organisations and retail outlets, such as total and completely unbreakable security, off-line operation which means lower cost to both the customer and the merchant, lower cash circulation to reduce fraud and theft, besides other benefits.

Al Shoraiqi has said it is a real pleasure to see the private sector take a pioneering step in implementing cutting-edge technology in the Sultanate. He also said the implementation of this e-payment system at OCCI will make it easier and more secure for customers to deal with the chamber and “we therefore encourage all companies and individuals to use the new e-payment method for paying all types of fees.”

OCCI had begun preparing for this since long and had taken several steps in the direction, he said referring to the agreement signed earlier for setting up a comprehensive computer network for the chamber linking its head office and branches in the regions together.

In the second phase, OCCI would be linked with its member companies and establishments through the network. The OCCI director-general pointed out that by signing such agreements, the chamber was aiming to keep in line with the latest developments in the modern IT fields for offering better and faster services to its members and the business community, both inside and outside Oman. He said the chamber had successfully set up versatile databases of various economic sectors such as insurance, banks, industry, etc.

OAB deputy general manager said the Smart Card would be a basic means of payment in the future for e-government projects. He added the system was capable of improving and modifying according to the user needs.

OAB issues two kinds of Smart Card, the first is intended for individual customers and is usable in a fast growing number of retail outlets and petrol stations; while the other Smart Card is specifically for corporate customers and is only usable to transact with the government, making it a even more secure method of payment by corporate customers.

Customers or non-customer, Oman Arab Bank may now get the Smart Card from any of the branches and avail of its significant security and benefits.

Quelle: Times of Oman

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