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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The President of Finland confirmed that the Act on electronic auctions (eAuctions) and dynamic purchasing systems of 17 June 2011 will enter into force on 1 October 2011 along with related acts.

As a result of this new legislative package which partly amends Finland's Act on Public Procurement of 03 March 2007, the competitive procurement of public contracts for the provision of goods, services and works will be handled increasingly by electronic means.

The purpose of the legal reform is to introduce new procurement procedures to the national legislation, where documents relating to the purchase would be sent and received exclusively online. This, including the use of eAuctions, will reduce bureaucracy while speeding up public procurement procedures.

The Finnish Law on eAuctions and dynamic purchasing systems is intended to implement the relevant provisions of the EU's public procurement directives, respectively:

  • 2004/17/EC - article 56 on the use of eAuctions; article 15 on dynamic purchasing systems
  • 2004/18/EC - article 54 on the use eAuctions: article 33 on dynamic purchasing systems

Background information

Both EU public procurement directives define electronic auctions as "a repetitive process involving an electronic device for the presentation of new prices, revised downwards, and/or new values concerning certain elements of tenders, which occurs after an initial full evaluation of the tenders, enabling them to be ranked using automatic evaluation methods. (...)."

The same directives define a 'dynamic purchasing system' as "a completely electronic process for making commonly used purchases, the characteristics of which, as generally available on the market, meet the requirements of the contracting entity, which is limited in duration and open throughout its validity to any economic operator which satisfies the selection criteria and has submitted an indicative tender that complies with the specification."

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 20.09.2011

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