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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On 22 August 2011, an online discussion was launched by the Finnish government to collect citizens' views on the digitisation of health and social care services. The public consultation will close on 30 September 2011.

Anyone who is interested can express their opinions and comments via a governmental public consultation website (, on the following questions:

  • Tell us about your experience with electronic health and social care services, or your lack of such experience
  • What electronic services would you wish to see addressed / developed in particular?
  • Can you easily find online all the health information you need, and do you find it easy to assess their reliability?

Since the start of the public consultation, many comments and opinions have been posted online.

The eServices and eDemocracy Programme (SADe - 2009-2014) of the Finnish Ministry of Finance is intended to provide all key services for citizens (and for businesses) by electronic means by 2014. In this frame, to take part in the digitisation of health and social care services are the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Finnish municipalities.

As regards this specific package, the aim is for citizens to use online services relating to their personal health (MyHealth services) and wellbeing, as well as to monitor, manage and plan such services according to there needs (services planning). Likewise, besides giving citizens the necessary planning tools, another goal is to improve communication between citizens and professionals while providing a channel for feedback.

Background information

The Ministry of Finance launched the eServices and eDemocracy programme (SADe) in 2009. This programme aims to promote electronic services, so that they cover all key services for citizens and businesses by the end of 2013. The SADe programme brings together electronic service packages from various administrative sectors, in such a way that citizens and businesses can enjoy them regardless of administrative boundaries. The development of eServices in the frame of SADe is made by involving and interacting with their users, taking into account the ease of use of the services. is a site that allows ministries to collect citizens' experiences in a way to help decision making. When a new discussion opens, it runs for a few weeks or months and after it has closed, the webpage features a summary the comments gathered. This summary is forwarded to the relevant bodies for them to exploit.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 05.09.2011

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