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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

A clear trend can be seen for our digital future: What can be connected will be connected. But companies and societies do not network within traditional, analogous borders.

Machines are also increasingly being connected to one another. The Internet of Things is growing faster and faster. These developments give us a unique opportunity to bring the citizens of Europe closer together. And we must not let this opportunity pass us by. At the same time, the digital networks are and will become an increasingly attractive target for criminal or state-controlled cyber-attacks. Deutsche Telekom’s systems have reported up to 70 million different attacks on a single day this year. A new, sad record! And a leap compared to the figures of 2018! Thanks to our efforts, these attacks are not getting through, but the number is vertiginous.

Read more: The digital security of Europe

Das EU-Parlament hat in zweiter Lesung der Integration biometrischer Merkmale in Visa-Anträge für den Schengen-Raum sowie deren elektronischer Weiterverarbeitung zugestimmt. Auch Kinder ab zwölf Jahren sollen in der zentralen Visumsdatenbank der Union mit Foto und Abdrücken von allen zehn Fingern erfasst werden.

Das EU-Parlament hat am Mittwoch in zweiter Lesung über neue Regeln für die Beantragung von Visa für den Schengen-Raum abgestimmt. In der Verordnung geht es hauptsächlich um die Bedingungen, unter denen biometrische Merkmale für die Visa-Datenbank der EU (VIS) erfasst werden dürfen.

Read more: Fingerprint-Visa im EU-Parlament

Online-Umfrage soll ermitteln, welche Anforderungen KMU bei der Verwendung der elektronischen Rechnung haben.

Bei grenzüberschreitenden Geschäften innerhalb Europas verwenden kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) bisher kaum die elektronische Rechnung. Die Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Formaten und Standards behindern den sinnvollen Einsatz der E-Rechnung. Potenzielle Kosteneinsparungseffekte gehen verloren.

Read more: EU-weiter Standard für E-Rechnungen wird vorbereitet

Two European projects developing IT-based services for cross-border healthcare provision, TEN4Health and NetC@rds, have agreed on a common European web service specification supporting standardised messaging to link hospitals and other health care providers with health insurance organisations and with national healthcare IT infrastructure.

Read more: European eHealth Services Standard for Cross-Border Healthcare Provision Agreed

Three European city councils have joined forces to develop a new citizen-inspired tool that will increase the responsiveness of city services to user needs, reports ICT Results.

E-government is the ‘in’ thing and a growing number of public services can now be delivered online. A major challenge faced, however, is how to get citizens more involved in public life and encourage greater interaction between the public sector and the man in the street.

Read more: EU: Citizen-inspired e-government for 'thin-skinned' cities

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