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On 27 September 2018 the Council adopted a regulation setting up a single digital gateway. The new gateway will provide access to online information and procedures, assistance and problem solving services to individuals and companies.

The Council today adopted a regulation setting up a single digital gateway. This follows an agreement reached with the European Parliament in June. The new gateway will provide access to online information and procedures, assistance and problem solving services to individuals and companies.

Main elements

The single digital gateway will use the existing name "Your Europe" and will include a common user interface integrated into the Your Europe portal. The interface will be easy to use and available in all official EU languages. The new gateway will integrate a number of networks and services that have been established at national and EU level to provide support for cross-border activities.

The interface will provide a central access point for information on the exercise of rights to mobility in the EU, and will ensure full access to various online procedures in a non-discriminatory way. A basic principle of the gateway is that any procedure available to citizens of one member state should be equally accessible to those from other member states.

Some key administrative procedures will be available online to both national and cross-border users. These cover situations which are relevant for doing business, working or studying or moving from one location to another, for example: requesting a proof of residence, applying for study loans and grants, recognition of academic titles, getting a European Health Card, registering a motor vehicle, claiming pension benefits and registering employees for pension and insurance schemes.

The new gateway will help reduce administrative burdens. As a general rule, the single digital gateway will apply the "once-only" principle, which means that individuals and businesses will only have to supply the same information once to public administrations.

The functioning of the gateway will be supported by technical tools developed by the Commission in cooperation with national administrations.

Next steps

The Council and the European Parliament now need to sign the adopted regulation. The signed text will be published in the EU Official Journal and will enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication.

However, in order to give national, regional and local administrations more time to adapt, the target date for placing all relevant information and procedures online will be two, four or five years after the entry into force, depending on the issue.


On 2 May 2017, the Commission presented its proposal to develop the single digital gateway.

This initiative responds to calls from citizens and businesses for easier access to information, procedures and assistance and problem solving services.

The digital single market strategy acknowledged that the needs of citizens and businesses in their own country and across borders could be better met by extending and integrating existing European portals, networks, services and systems and by linking them to a single digital gateway.

The regulation is part of the "Compliance Package", comprising also a proposal on the Single Market Information Tool and measures to improve SOLVIT, the free assistance website for the internal market.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Leonidas Karamountzos

Quelle/Source: European Council, 27.09.2018

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