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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Most European web users are "very happy" with the quality of public services on the internet, according to an EU report.

The EU survey, titled Top of the Web, found that 79 per cent of European net users would recommend an online public service if they think it is good quality. According to the study, public services sites that include libraries, job search and online councils, are of benefit because users can access them 24-hours-a-day, get more information and help as well as a faster reply to a case.

Figures also show that one of the most important factors for web users when using a public services site is the ease of navigation.

The EU report reveals that the UK ranks second after Germany in a top ten European public services list, with its Family Fund site that provides social security benefits for UK citizens.

Top of the Web studied a pool of 24,788 EU web users in 18 European countries for the European Union's eGovernment Action plan.

Quelle: Web User, 15.12.2003

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