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Sunday, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Despite visible progress, eHealth finds it hard to get off the ground in Europe, as the latest report by the European Commission highlights. The inquiry has been led in 31 countries on a sample of nearly 9,000 doctors.

According to results, the most technologically-skilled GPs are from Denmark, Norway and Spain. The least from Czech Republic, Latvia and Lithuania.

Four indicators taken into account: electronic health record, health information exchange, telehealth and personal health records.

At a European level, just 30% of interviewees declared the have digitalized their patients’ health record.

Many, in fact, think it is a hard task, others do not know enough about privacy rules, the remainder think it is useless practice.

The most advanced countries are Holland, Denmark and United Kingdom. At the end of the list Lithuania and Greece.

Denmark ranks always top even on health information exchange that consists, for example, in sending blood tests and urinalysis results by mail.

A praxis, at a European level, for 8% of interviewees. While monitoring patients’ health through remote electronic access is usual for less than 10%.

The best ones in this field are Hungarians and Finns.

The, online prescriptions and visits are required just by 25% of patients.

Download European Commission - Benchmarking Deployment of eHealth among General Practitioners (2013) (PDF)


Autor(en)/Author(s): Annalisa Lista

Quelle/Source: West - Welfare Society Territory, 16.05.2014

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