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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Commission welcomes determination expressed by 30 Ministers to accelerate eGovernment

Lucio Stanca, Italian Minister for Innovation and Technology, today issued a ministerial declaration on behalf of the Italian Presidency, proposing concrete measures to accelerate the move to eGovernment. The declaration was agreed by the 30 EU, EFTA and accession countries Ministers attending the second European conference on eGovernment 7 and 8 July. Ministers were able to see for themselves the best of eGovernment practices already implemented in Europe and the benefits these are bringing to all concerned. As a result, they have jointly expressed their determination to further accelerate exchanges of practical experiences, and proposed concrete measures to be taken towards widespread deployment of eGovernment. This declaration was the result of a ministerial meeting that took place within the conference, in the presence of Erkki Liikanen Commissioner for Enterprise and the Information Society. Ministers have specifically asked the Presidency to present their declaration to the next meeting of the Telecommunications Council.

In acknowledging eGovernment as a driver for the modernisation of Europe's entire public sector, Ministers recognised many advantages it can offer through increased productivity and efficiency within Public Administrations. These free up resources, and deliver more value for taxpayers money. On-line applications and services are supporting new forms of involvement and participation of European citizens in the policy definition and decision-making processes of government. Ministers believe that such technologies should cement the four freedoms of the single market, and help those citizens and enterprises from one EU Member State wanting to settle, work or trade in any other. The experience gained with pan-European services in the fields of job search and learning opportunities were highlighted as examples to be further diffused and extended to other fields.

Ministers reaffirmed the importance of making eGovernment services open and accessible to all citizens, by providing these services through the most appropriate platforms, including PCs, interactive TV and improved front-office counter services of the administrations themselves. They called upon the Member States and the Commission to agree on a list of services for which trans-national interoperability is desirable, taking into account differences in culture and legal practices.

Ministers welcomed co-operation between Member States and the Commission in research for cross-border solutions for identifying individuals, and for maintaining the security and privacy of information compiled through eGovernment services. Europe's programmes that can support eGovernment must contribute coherently to the goals of eEurope 2005, and the "Lisbon Strategy" for a knowledge-based economy.

This second European eGovernment Conference was jointly organised by the Italian Presidency and the European Commission.

Quelle: Tenders Direct

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