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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The European Commission is to embark on a major new e-government programme designed to accelerate the pace of transnational e-service delivery across the EU administrations and accession states.

Inter-governmental web portals, cross-border electronic data infrastructures and further development of a pan-European interoperability framework are among the activities planned over the coming year. The projects were announced in the 2003 Work Programme of the Interchange of Data Between Administration programme, a European Commission-driven strategic initiative that supports e-government activities and best practice exchange between EU Member States.

The new programme outlines 45 'Projects of Common Interest', grouped under 12 themes, covering areas such as employment and education, agriculture and regional policy.

These include a real-time online flood alerting system, a pilot portal to interlink national and European sources of information for migrant workers, and an EU-wide information system for dealing with asylum applications.

The work programme sets out a further 30 cross-cutting 'Horizontal Actions and Measures', which aim to provide generic or standard solutions for interoperability, encompassing the four main areas of Programme Management, Spread of Good Practice, Business Applications and Technology Solutions.

As well as projects focusing on security and authentication, funding has been allocated to research studies examining migration to open source software and seamless, multi-channelled service delivery through mobile, kiosk and digital television technologies.

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