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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Benchmarking of e-government services goes into a new - interactive phase this summer with the European Commission's "Top of the Web" survey.

Over 4000 webmasters across Europe are being asked to put a user-questionnaire on their site. These web sites deliver one or more of the 20 key public e-services that the Commission is benchmarking, as part of the eEurope strategy. The "Top of the Web" survey will provide instantaneous feedback to webmasters about the quality of their e-service, based on a number of carefully selected criteria. At the same time, the questionnaire results will point to those aspects of e-service delivery which can be considered "best practice", within such areas as filing an on-line tax return, registering a change of address or applying for a copy of one's birth certificate.

The benchmarking results are posted on a dedicated web site as they come in and the findings will be disseminated via European e-government meetings and conferences during 2003 and again in 2004, when the survey will be repeated.

Public service webmasters who are operating one of the 20 key e-services who have not already been contacted by "Top of the Web" may also join in the benchmarking survey. The survey is being conducted in the 15 EU member states plus Iceland and Norway by PLS-RAMBOLL, Denmark and EWORX S.A., Greece, under contract to the European Commission's Information Society Directorate General.

For further details, go to the Web site:

Quelle: europemedia

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