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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Government of Ethiopia is the first to deploy the Development Gateway Foundation's Aid Management Platform (AMP), a web-based information-sharing tool that helps improve the coordination and harmonization of international development aid to ensure greater results for people in developing countries.

AMP is an e-government solution that addresses administrative challenges faced by developing country governments and their donors in tracking and reporting on international aid flows and programs. By enabling access to standardized information about aid activities within a country, it facilitates the improved planning, allocation, disbursement and general management of aid resources. "Deploying AMP in Ethiopia is a critical part of our effort to ensure that aid programs are aligned with Ethiopia's national development priorities," said Fisseha Aberra, Head of the Multilateral Cooperation Department in Ethiopia's Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED). "With new reporting capabilities, we can also provide better information to our partners about how aid resources are being spent."

Led by MOFED, the piloting of AMP in Ethiopia was a joint initiative of the Development Gateway, OECD, UNDP and World Bank, and was supported by the country's official Donor Assistance Group representing major multilateral and bilateral donors. The Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in Bangalore played a critical role by rapidly developing the AMP application, as part of its work for the Development Gateway India Research Center, funded by the Government of India.

"Improving the coordination and effectiveness of international aid is critical if the world is to meet the UN's Millennium Development Goals," said Alan J. Rossi, Chief Executive Officer, Development Gateway. "AMP is a tool that can help all parties achieve better results by increasing the transparency and efficiency of aid processes, while reducing the transaction costs of coordination efforts."

AMP can be easily customized for other countries with similar aid management and donor coordination needs. Additional modules for scenario-building, knowledge management and financial calendar coordination are planned.

AMP is one of several information tools and services provided by the Development Gateway to assist governments, international organizations and others in making their aid and development work more effective. Other services include: dgMarket, an online publishing system that increases transparency in public procurement; AiDA, the largest online directory of development programs funded by major bilateral and multilateral donors; a Local Projects Database tool based on AiDA's information-sharing standards; and an interactive community dedicated to the issue of aid effectiveness, one of many topics on our global portal of development information.

The Development Gateway also supports 50 local Country Gateways and, in cooperation with the Government of Italy, provides e-government grants to build institutional capacity in developing countries.

About the Development Gateway Foundation

The Development Gateway Foundation puts the Internet to work for developing countries, helping improve lives by enabling more effective development worldwide. Bringing hundreds of partners together with information-sharing tools, services and related grants, the foundation acts as a catalyst, enhancing aid effectiveness, improving government efficiency and building local enterprise. The Development Gateway is a public foundation based in Washington, DC, with activities in 60 countries.

Quelle: AllAfrica, 14.09.2005

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