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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

An e-Procurement system for the implementation of the E-Business project at the Home Affairs department of the Prime Minister's Office was launched yesterday at the Treasury Building in Port Louis. This system will enable bidders to submit their bids online on the Government e-Procurement portal.

The following services will be accessed on a 24-hour basis around the world and all documents will be sent and processed online: Issue of Citizenship Certificate; Issue of Certificate under the Non-Citizenship Property Restriction Act; Issue of Apostille Certificate under the Hague Convention; Processing of Residence Permit; Processing of Visa; and Processing of request to access VIP/State lounge at the airport.

In his address at the launching ceremony the Secretary to Cabinet and Head of Civil Service, Mr Sateeaved Seebaluck, reiterated Government's commitment to promoting the adoption of e-business and leveraging its strengths in the exploitation of innovative technologies. He recalled that the digital world is facing tremendous challenges, adding that countries are continuously embracing innovative practices to improve their services round the clock so as to remain competitive.

"E-Government is not just about enabling existing processes by using digital means. Rather, it involves rethinking and transforming the ways government institutions operate, with the citizens' benefits and expectations at the core of such re-conceptualisation", he said.

Speaking about the project, Mr Seebaluck outlined that the aim is to transform the e-government vision into reality so that the Home Affairs department re-engineers its existing processes and operates on a paperless mode which represents a significant leap for the department. He expressed his conviction that the project will help in reaping enormous benefits presented by the world of e-business through the sharpening of competitive edge and the enhancement of the position of Mauritius as a leading e-business community.

The e-Procurement system

The system is a web-based application hosted by the Government Online Centre that will enable all public bodies and suppliers to electronically conduct procurement proceedings from invitation to bid up to the contract award.

The advantages of the e-Procurement system are numerous and will:

  • Deepen the use of ICT in the work environment and bridge the digital gap with the private sector
  • Increase the speed of procurement transactions through relaxation of time and space constraints
  • Bring more efficiency and savings for governments and businesses
  • Generate efficiency gains, increased transparency and accountability
  • Cut down the potential for fraud and corruption


Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 28.07.2016

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