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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The project will also help in developing e-government services in selected areas, lender says

The World Bank approved a grant of $20 million to improve access to high-speed broadband services in Palestinian territories.

The move will enable the development of various electronic government services and help the economy recover from coronavirus-induced shocks.

Read more: World Bank grants $20m to improve access to high-speed internet in Palestine

Palestine Monetary Authority issued today instructions to operate and provide electronic payment services, which include both e-wallet and prepaid cards.

The instructions are aimed at controlling the work and regulation of the provision of electronic payment services in Palestine, particularly the electronic wallet and payment cards services, which will be launched after the completion of the license of the first electronic payment services companies in Palestine, which will launch their services soon, and that work is underway to license other companies in the coming period.

Read more: Palestine Monetary Authority: Starting to Provide Electronic Payment Services in Palestine This...

Palestine is expected to introduce the biometric information system and database and which will include all the personal data on its citizens, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior Hasan Allawi said Wednesday.

He said in an interview with WAFA that as of next year, the Palestinian passport will include a barcode that will include all the information needed on the holder of the passport, including fingerprints, blood type, the eye cornea and other facial features, and which is expected to facilitate their movement through airports.

Read more: Palestine to Introduce the Biometric Information System

Gaza residents can submit their grievances and questions to governing authorities and departments via an electronic complaints system.

Residents of Gaza have typically had to spend hours waiting to lodge their complaints at various government agencies, but for a few weeks now, they have been able to submit their grievances with a click. On Sept. 5, the administration in Gaza inaugurated an electronic complaints system, which should save residents much time and effort. Previously, complaints had to be submitted in writing or in person.

Read more: PS: Gazans now complaining online

The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) has outlined its strategy for the introduction of up-to-date communications and information management solutions as parts of the national state building effort, the Palestine News & Info Agency reports. The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology (MTIT) has said that its strategy for a unified communications and government computer centre will ‘build a more connected government, foster national unity and accelerate e-government services,’ and the regulator expects to adopt new innovations in hosted services, cloud computing and person-to-person networking in order to provide real-time voice, data and video collaboration solutions across the existing government network. Unified communications services are expected to be deployed initially in the West Bank, although the Palestinian government expects the project to improve cooperation and collaboration among all of its departments and public institutions. Further, this ‘whole of government’ approach is expected to improve information flow within government, enhance national cohesiveness, and lower operational costs.

Read more: Palestinian National Authority unveils governmental communications and IT strategy

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