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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Communication is the most precious gift of nature to human beings. Exchange of information, ideas and knowledge can be considered as the most effective instrument for the development of human civilization.

Technology use in communication has been accorded top priority by the researchers and scientists. In recent years, innovation in electronics and digital technology has made communication possible among people using mobile phones and the internet. In fact, a modern man starts and ends his day using communication gadgets whether it be a radio, television, mobile phone or the computer. At this stage of human civilization, life without the use of information and communication technology (ICT) is unimaginable.

The Nepalis have been fortunate to have the digital telecommunication system and internet services almost from the beginning itself. In the last two decades, there has been unprecedented growth in ICT, but we have not been able to catch up with its pace and distribute its fruits to the people. Broadband network and services, smart phones, and internet based online services are the areas where Nepal is lagging behind. Moreover, we have not been able to integrate ICT with our national priority areas. Therefore, this should be taken and developed as a project of national importance and pride because ICT is the most effective instrument to leverage our agenda of socio-economic development.

The 15-point directives given to the government by the parliamentary development committee should be taken into consideration. After the popular movement of 2006 there has been phenomenal increase in telecommunications services in the country. Mobile communications and internet have grown very rapidly. The challenge today is to develop the ICT sector together with our areas of national priority which include good governance, agriculture, hydroelectricity, tourism, education, health and transport.

Research and statistics show that every 10 per cent growth in tele-density results in 1 per cent GDP growth and every 10 per cent growth in broadband density contributes to 1-5 per cent GDP growth. However, ICT growth alone is insufficient to stimulate economic growth, and it is equally important for the Nepal government to develop and enhance other complementary factors like business environments, transportation networks, education and human resource training in order to make the best use of the ICT.

Good governance and effective delivery of services from the government institutions are the sectors where we can bring radical change using ICT. E-government is the systemic use of ICTs to support the functions and services to the people. We can substantially reduce the present anomaly and delays in distribution of government IDs like citizenship, passport, vehicle tax, land-ownership certificates using ICT. For this purpose, distribution of national identity cards can be started and it should be carried out without further delay.

The model of E-government is the use of ICT to transform the traditional government by making it accessible, transparent, effective, and accountable. E-government does not mean putting more computers on the desks of government officials and is more than just a government website. The political, social, economic and technological aspects of integrating government services with daily life of the people determine e-governance. It establishes a relationship between government officials and citizens. E-governance increases government accountability by making its operations more transparent by reducing the opportunities for corruption.

E-government supports development goals by providing business, rural and traditionally undeserved communities with information, opportunities and communications capabilities. E-government innovation and development can position the public sector as a demand driver of ICT infrastructure and applications accessible to the broader economy.

Recent statistics show that we are not very far from the day that every citizen will be in possession of a mobile phone and internet connectivity. Our challenge is to make it reliable, affordable, secure, user-friendly and integrated with our livelihood. The first and primary focus is to integrate it with emergency services like security, health services, national calamity and disaster. These are very important, essential, and plausible but areas that have still not been addressed. Had these support systems been in place, disasters like those of Jure landslide and Hudhud cyclone could have been minimal. The people of those areas could have been pre-informed through SMSs.

Finally, ICT has become an inalienable part of modern society and the internet has become a basic necessity. Leveraging ICTs for delivering smart services to the people should be the national priority. To achieve this objective, we have to focus on four essentials:

  1. Installation of nationwide broadband network,
  2. Building national data center and opening of government data for public services,
  3. Developing localized internet based applications and e-services, and
  4. Promoting the use of smart devices and agents.


Quelle/Source: The Himalayan Times, 22.12.2014

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