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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The concept of "E-Government" is a proposal that falls in line with the advancement of technology, and a keeping up with the way we presently live.

The idea that one can apply for a birth certificate or for a driver's licence by the click of a mouse is forward thinking by the government.

The potential for such a concept is limitless.

Presently, Bahamians can now fill out their U.S. Visa applications on-line and then set up an "appointment" for an interview to get that Visa application approved.

No doubt, the way of the computer is the future for us all.

However, when one considers the "red tape" which one has to go through to get any kind of information out of (or even into) the government system, it makes one wonder just how effective this "e-government" can be.

Is this something that The Bahamas may be ready for?

On the surface, the concept of "e-government" may sound like a paradox.

Can the government system become efficient enough to successfully have the majority of its work done on-line?

Anyone who has ever had to go into a government office or had to deal with those who work within a government office can answer that question.

The question remains "can the government suddenly become more efficient on-line, than it has been manually?"

Perhaps, when one considers the fact that e-government will no doubt eliminate the over-crowding situation that presently exsists within the Government sector, then it gives hope for success.

Is that one of the underlying factors in the government pushing this program to begin early next year?

After all, it will take a long time to put all of the files and information that has been a part of the government sector for decades into a computer system. And it will be more than just putting information into the system, it will be a matter of ensuring that such information is correct.

Imagine the screw-up and embarrassment that can take place when "Joe Blow" gets mixed up with "Average Joe" and is stuck with "Average Joe's" criminal record, because someone made a boo-boo.

While "e-government" is certainly a great idea, past experience with the government sector may be the reason why so many Bahamians are skeptical about the idea.

They're concerned about secutiry issues, in spite of the fact that Minister Zhivargo Laing gaurantees "total security" of information.

Perhaps it would have been more reasonable to set a goal of having "e-government" completed by 2012 or 2013, but we know that this will be something the government would want in place before the next general election, even if it means the possibility of having a lot of bugs in the system.

Will the concept of "e-government" be used as a campaign football by the Government? That could also explain why there is such a rush on implementing the idea.

There is too much at stake to risk information error or security breaches to have the concept of E-government rushed just to beat an alleged general election deadline.

Unless every effort is taken to dot every "I" and cross every "T", what is supposed to be something beneficial can turn out to be a disaster. And when it comes to the internet and personal information, a disaster can last for a long, long time.


Quelle/Source: The Freeport News, 06.12.2010

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