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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Government of The Bahamas is investing nearly $9 million into launching its new e-Government program in the hopes or revitalizing the public service sector.

The modernization initiative for Government departments will take advantage of the Internet by making services available online, thereby increasing efficiency amongst Government agencies.

The Ministry of Finance held a town meeting Thursday night at the Foster B. Pestaina Centre to acquaint the public with the system that is expected to be launched in July 2011.

"The Internet creates an excellent opportunity to efficiently and effectively provide citizens with information and services that will improve the quality of their lives," said Minister of State for Finance Zhivargo Laing. "Whether it's in the area of business, licensing and regulation, public transportation services, health, education or social services, the Internet can enable Governments to make these services readily available, less costly and more effectively from very near or very far in the country."

Laing noted that he is extremely excited to get the new system up and running as he expects it to have a huge impact on the country, ultimately creating more jobs, increased efficiency, accruing less costs and creating more business opportunities for the citizens who utilize the service.

E-government in The Bahamas will be modelled after the system in Singapore, which is lauded as having one of the best e-Government systems in the world.

"Few countries in this world have been more proficient in doing this than Singapore," Laing said. "There is no question when you look at Singapore that they are a standout when it comes to e-Government."

He explained that Singapore appears at the top of countless lists when it comes to the best places to live and ease of doing business.

The Bahamas Government, he said, secured the services of Singapore-based company IDA International that spent six months in the country accessing Government agencies, speaking with staff and examining infrastructure.

"They gave us a beautiful assessment and road map to put The Bahamas on the path to being, in this region, what Singapore is doing in the world," Laing provided.

He noted that by next July he anticipates the country will have a comprehensive e-Government program, but for it to work effectively the public must understand the power of the program and be able to use the technology to conduct both public and private affairs.

Seven services will be launched when the e-Government program begins in July and they will include – the payment of fines, renewal of a driver's licence, the payment of business licence fees, application for new business licences, vendor inquiries (payments, invoices and purchase orders) payment of real property tax, and service-wide customer service.

Laing noted of the e-Government program, "this technology puts us in a position where no one is out of reach at any time.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Cleopatra Murphy

Quelle/Source: The Freeport News, 04.12.2010

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