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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government is making steady progress toward rolling out additional services as part of its Bahamas Government Online (BGOL) initiative, according to a senior official intimately involved with the project.

Speaking in an interview with the Bahama Journal, Deputy National Co-ordinator for Information Technology Wayde Watson explained that an inter-ministerial team is continuing work on several fast track and longer range sub-projects which all form a part of the e-government campaign.

Read more: Bahamas: Gov’t Pushes E-Gov’t Campaign

In just three weeks government agencies, employers and other organisations that collect personal information on individuals will be required by law to ensure that they store that data in a manner that will protect and promote residents’ privacy rights.

The new requirements, which will come into effect on April 2, will be imposed under the Data Protection (Privacy of Personal Information) Act, one of three laws passed by legislators in 2003 to facilitate the development of e-government and e-commerce in the country.

Read more: Bahamas: New Data Protection Regime To Come Into Force

The government is "keenly aware" of the complaints of the Bahamian public regarding the quality of government services, and Minister of State for Finance James Smith hopes e-government can improve that quality.

The Minister launched the Bahamas Government Online (BGOL) logo on Thursday afternoon, and gave an update on how the initiative has progressed thus far.

Read more: Bahamas: E-Government Advancing

The Government has made it possible for Bahamians to apply for jobs in the comfort of their own homes.

The official launch of an automated electronic system of the Skills Data Bank means that job seekers and employers would no longer have to travel to the Employment Exchange at the Clarence A. Bain Building to obtain labour force information.

Read more: Bahamas: Skills Bank launched

The newly launched Ministry of Health (MOH) website is expected to bridge gap between the family islands and the public healthcare system.

Speaking at the press conference to announce the MOH website, Dr Marcus Bethel, Minister of Health, said the web page would provide all Bahamians 24-seven access to public healthcare.

Read more: Bahamas: MOH site offers better healthcare

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