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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Attractive business and exchange opportunities have been identified by the directors of the local Parque Científico Tecnológico de Matanzas (PCTM), as part of the sessions held at the XIII International University Congress 2022 event, and as a way of shortening the distance between the university and the business sector.

Constituted as a Mercantile Company, the high-tech institution from Matanzas city, develops as its mega project, the conversion of the Varadero resort into a digital city as part of the necessary and innovative transition towards the Smart City; where they are managed and even programmed through the use of artificial intelligence and the related services and processes of that territory.

With over a year of existence as a commercial institution, the Technological Science Park has achieved remarkable advances in terms of electronic government through the creation of the Plataforma Bienestar (Welfare Platform) and outlines details to specify a management system for the rational use of energy, which initially will be used at the Gaviota hotel company´s facilities.

Diego Castilla Cabrera, President of the PCTM, who is based at the University of Matanzas, commented that they have received praise for their computer programs and systems and he announced that they will begin cooperation with specialists from a similar institution in Alicante, Spain, along with the aim of developing high added value.

In addition, the Master in Sciences announced that a project was started for the transformation of the matrix energy into the tourist facilities of the northern keys of Matanzas city in cooperation with the Gaviota Corporation that, if successful, would be applied in similar facilities.

"Varadero is our great project, because it will cover many aspects now under study for the digital transformation of all its processes, as part of a step that will allow access to real-time data, consequently, the possibility of forecasting." Castilla Cabrera pointed out .

The people from Matanzas city exhibit a list of 60 local delegates to the XIII University Congress 2022 event that will be carried out until this Friday in the Cuban capital, along with the participation of specialists from thirty nations of the world.


Autor(en)/Author(s): José Miguel Solís

Quelle/Source: Radio Rebelde, 22.02.2022

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