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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Members of the Union of Cuba (UIC) in the province of Camagüey develop projects that contribute to the modality of e-government, one of the main goals of the strategy of computerization in the territory.

Designed to facilitate the process of the population, initiatives will be complementary to the first stage of the expansion of access to information and communication technologies (ICT), which in Camagüey initially focused toward the culture and recreation.

In conversation with the ACN, Reynaldo Alonso Reyes, president of the UIC in the province, pointed out that entities such as communal services, physical planning, law firms, and the Directorate of Labor and Social Security benefit from the projects, which have emerged from the Master's Degree in Applied Computer Science of the University of Camagüey, Ignacio Agramonte and Loynaz.

He highlighted the example of the Process Management System in the Necropolis of Camagüey, which allows the automated management of information about funeral arrangements and necrologicos, both for the domestic sphere of the Direction of Communal Services as for public access through mobile applications.

The population may be notified about dates of exhumations, availability of spaces in the Camposanto, application of procedures, emission of complaints and management of real estate assets in the cemetery, the oldest of Cuba still in exploitation, explained Alonso Reyes.

This system will represent the province in the upcoming National Day of Digital Government, to be held in Mayabaque of 5 to 8 June, added the president of the UIC in Camagüey.

With similar approaches, other projects closer to the population to the experience and expertise of lawyers from law firms, offers of employment and vacancies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and to the proceedings of the Institute of Physical Planning.

According to assure Alonso Reyes, the enterprises respond to the Plan of use and development of the technology of the Council of Provincial Administration, who leads an incubator of ICT-related projects, generated at the local level.

This and other issues will be discussed in the Provincial Conference of the UIC, which will take place in this city the next June 9.


Quelle/Source: Radio Cadena Agramonte, 29.05.2018

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