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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The adoption and implementation of a policy for the computerization of the Cuban society marked the life of the country in the past year, assured in this capital vice-titular Wilfredo González, of the Ministry of Communications (MINCOM).

In dialog with the Cubahoy portal of the social network Youtube, the deputy minister reiterated that there is no limitation from the political point of view for the access of Cubans to the Internet, and if a country will continue to move forward in this process.

Gonzalez meant that it began in the year 2013 with 118 rooms of navigation and to date have already more than 650 throughout the national territory, in addition to 500 navigation public areas Wifi.

He said that the draft of the Wifi areas will continue in the coming years, with the concept of sharing, and not to exclude, as an imperative of society, and of the revolution.

Among the advances also noted the arrival of the internet to the houses with the project Nauta Home, which closes 2017 with 10 thousand capabilities on the market, even a few, but that in the coming year should increase.

The Deputy Minister stressed the effort of the Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba (ETECSA) in the field of institutional connectivity, as a basis for the computerization of the country.

Also recognized how to work with national entities, agencies of the Central State Administration and software development companies to create conditions and capacity of communications infrastructure.

This is a step that allows processes that are computerized within these entities not only to have a benefit toward the internal, but also into the population, abounded.

For González, the work that is part of the implementation of the new country policy adopted on 28 February 2017, which he described as a cross-cutting, and that demands responsibility of several agencies, not only of the MINCOM, governing body that directs resources to priority projects.

The policy requires a national plan of computerization and within it are already 21 projects which are general in scope and are the foundation for further development, he said.

A process of computerization of the public records, rectorate by the central body that is the Ministry of Justice, but that in conjunction with the MINCOM we must push for further streamlining procedures and services to the population, he said.

According to the Vice-Minister, organized and built many more infrastructure that have to do with the creation of digital content and, in the process, there are actors that stand out, such as the more than 600 youth clubs of computing and electronics.

In that regard, he referred to the creation of products such as backpack, Estanquillo, the blog platform reflexes or the own Collaborative Encyclopedia Holidayhomes.

In the field of access capacity in relation to the internet and the development of digital content and services in the Cuban environment, we must not be satisfied, we must seek greater affordability of the population and to be more agile, he said.

As an example relevant to the CubaEduca platform, the Ministry of Education, which in addition to providing books and classes in digital format of the primary education system, provides references of what the teacher could teach the student to learn and parent review.

And as if that were not enough, they are now creating a consultation service in line, another of the positive experiences that should be expanded in the coming year, he said.

Gonzalez considered a challenge the application of the policy in the field of cybersecurity; to the extent that the process of computerization should also be made in this regard, to protect the benefits, not only of the Revolution, but also the data of citizens, he added.

The Cuban deputy minister pointed out as another major challenge to ensure that the agencies and territorial governments not only to inform the population, but also to achieve a interaction with citizens through the so-called e-government.

The substitution of imports for the country's savings and stimulate exports is something that should also move forward in the coming year, he said.

We work to ease or eliminate a group of barriers that exist today, and which will allow the national industry of computer applications to be in a better position to meet the national priorities of computerization, he concluded.


Quelle/Source: Radio Cadena Agramonte, 29.12.2017

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