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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

In an effort to forge the path for a digitised, tech-savvy Samoa, the Digital Samoa national conference was held at the T.A.T.T.E. building last week.

The symposium brought together the ideas and solutions of Digital Pacific 2018 home to forge the path ahead for Samoa.

Prior to holding the national conference, the regional Digital Pacific 2018 summit was also held at the same venue on the 7-8 June, 2018, which highlighted successes, failures, trials and tribulations from across the region and the world.

Read more: Forging a path for digital Samoa

The Asian Development Bank (A.D.B.), the World Bank Group, and the government of Australia joined the Government of Samoa to celebrate the arrival of high-speed internet in the country at a ceremony at the T.A.T.T.E. Convention Centre on Friday night.

Prime Minister of Samoa, Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi, who gave a keynote speech, led the ribbon cutting and the switching on of the cable, delivering fast internet to the people of Samoa.

Read more: WS: New technological era begins

Last Tuesday, as part of the Faculty of Science seminar series at NUS, a special seminar was delivered on “Innovations in ICT” , to provide a backdrop to the ICT Sector Plan currently being developed.

The presenter was Tony Willenberg who is currently the Team Leader for the ICT Sector Planning Team hired by the Samoa Technical Assistance Facility to develop the ICT sector plan.

Read more: I.C.T. at the National University of Samoa

The Samoa Chamber of Commerce hosted an informative presentation by Tony Willenberg on ‘Innovations in I.C.T’ for the private sector yesterday.

The presentation was held at the Small Business Enterprise Centre (S.B.E.C) training room at Saleufi, where members of Chamber attended to learn about the quality technology that is available and accessible to businesses.

Read more: WS: Chamber talks I.C.T. and innovation

A mapserver is a server that provides interactive maps and information over the web.

Users from all over the world and especially in Samoa can access these maps and learn more from the local geography of Samoa, as well as utilize them as a resource tool to make better informed planning and management decisions pertaining to development activities. This service is an important tool for e-government delivering a local content enabled service to the population of Samoa.

Read more: Samoa now has its first Mapserver

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