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Friday, 7.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Possibilities for Government to collaborate with Estonia on the enhancement of T&T’s electronic-Government (e-Government) initiatives were discussed yesterday by Prime Minister Keith Rowley and Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid.

The talks were part of bilateral discussions between both at yesterday’s Caricom 30th Inter-Sessional meeting in St Kitts. Estonia, formerly part of the Soviet Union, is located in Northern Europe. It includes more than 1,500 islands.

The talks between Rowley and Kaljulaid included dialogue on Estonia’s experience as a small country leveraging technology to establish itself as a digital leader in Europe.

Caricom leaders including Caricom chairman Timothy Harris and Caricom secretary general Irwin La Rocque had earlier met Kaljulaid who had expressed interest in sharing her country’s highly successful experience in electronic-governance.

Estonia’s model involves a compatible infrastructure facilitating information transfer between organisations and services.

This works via a national data exchange layer; a shared service view required by citizens, companies and authorities, a new model of nationwide e-identification, and national solutions for the administration of roles and authorisations for organisations and individuals.

Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness who also met Kaljulaid said on his Twitter feed that he’s having talks with Estonia on the system.

He said Estonia, a small country with a population of 1.3 million “ a shining example of how technology can be leveraged to improve government and private sector service delivery, enhance efficiency and create a more seamless and organised society.

On yesterday’s Inter-Sessional final day agenda, leaders continued meeting to advance measurable steps for action on Caricom’s Single Market and Economy (CSME), recommendations on air services agreements, proposals for a regional ferry service and easier security check-in for in-transit passengers.

Security matters and the European Union blacklisting of Caricom member states was also listed for discussion.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Gail Alexander

Quelle/Source: Trinidad Guardian, 28.02.2019

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