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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In an attempt to reduce unemployment in Namibia, the Jacob Marengo Secondary School’s department of information technology is offering free computer classes.

According to Edo-Omufo Triumph, Information and Technology (IT) head of department, the programme called ‘certificate in information technology’ was initiated in 2011 to train underprivileged Namibian youth free of charge for six months.

“No registration or tuition fees,” Triumph, a Nigerian specialist in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) told The Namibian yesterday.

The main objectives of the programme are to reduce the unemployment rate through use of ICT, to train underprivileged Namibian youths free of charge and to install in them, how to create jobs through the use of ICT. The graduates are also sent out on a one-month job attachment.

Last year, 25 youths were offered placements, of which 16 passed their final exams. Triumph said that he is proud to see graduates who enter the job market since seven of the16 have already secured employment. In the same year, 169 youths applied, 35 were admitted and 27 were successful in their final exams.

Triumph plans to separate the computer training from Jacob Marengo Secondary School and turn the initiative into a college on its own. However, the course will still be offered free of charge. Training in software development, A+ and networking are planned for the future.

“I am ready to offer my time and resources to help the Namibian youths, especially the less privileged,” the Nigerian ICT specialist said.

Triumph also said that he derives joy from students calling to thank him when they find jobs.

One such person is Diana Jahahika (30) who wrote to him saying: “Thank you Mr Edo. I got a job. Now I can take care of my family. I am no longer in the streets.”

Jahahika said the programme is helpful and that youths must stand up and grab the opportunity to further their studies. She started this week at Otjozondu Mine where she is currently on attachment.

After failing Grade 10, Jahahika said she stayed home because of lack of money until she heard about the free computer training.

At present, the programme has no sponsors. However, the principal of Jacob Marengo Secondary School, Ottilie Abrahams, provided 60 new computers and internet use for the training.

“I am very thankful to her for computers that are provided,” Edo said.

Intake for 2014 is currently underway and those who want to enroll must be able to write and read English.

The programme also has a tutor for English to assist students with the language.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Clemans Miyanicwe

Quelle/Source: The Namibian, 13.11.2013

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