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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A Haryana officer has been adjudged the overall best individual performer in a e-governance executive programme conducted by the Centre's department of electronics and information technology.

The honour has gone to Poonam Nara, additional registrar, co-operative societies. She represented the state in the six-week residential e-governance executive programme, including a study tour to Europe, organised by the National Institute for Smart Government, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, under the union ministry of communication and information technology.

The programme was organised in two phases, in which 25 officers from departments of various states participated. A Haryana government press release said a group led by Nara secured the first position in the national programme, organised in Hyderabad from July 1 to October 5.

The group- e-3rive - led by Nara also bagged the first prize in white paper presentation on the e-COOP (e-governance in cooperation department). She secured the top position by obtaining 513 marks out of 700 in group performance.

Appreciating Nara's achievements during the programme, National Institute for Smart Government vice-president Piyush Gupta said her experience and exposure would be beneficial to the Haryana government in attaining projects of national e-governance plan.


Quelle/Source: Hindustan Times, 13.10.2013

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