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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Chairperson of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Information Communication Technology (ICT), Dr Moses Amweelo, has stressed the need for the use of ICT in the education sector.

Amweelo made these remarks last week on Thursday in Omutsegwonime settlement in the Oshikoto Region at the event at which computers and building materials were handed over to the Omutsegwonime Combined School.

He said that the ICT has become an integral part of development, adding that the National Assembly Standing Committee on ICT has donated computers and printers to a number of selected schools in the country.

"Although the application of ICT is fairly widespread in the private sector, the education sector, one of the key pillars of the country, has remained relatively untouched by e-governance," Amweelo noted.

According to Amweelo, during a visit to a number of schools in the regions last year, the committee observed that many schools in the country had still not yet been introduced to the usage of computers, let alone the Internet.

"This has created challenges in terms of service delivery with regard to school activities," he added.

ICT also allows students to access information through videos, podcasts and a variety of other interactive media, which creates a more engaging learning experience for students.

He added that teachers must strive to keep their curricula up to date and help students develop skills that could help them utilize technologies effectively.

He further called on the Ministry of Education to speed up the International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) training for teachers.

He said that access and the usage of ICT in education is no longer a privilege of a few, but should be viewed as a basic human right.

"The ICT Committee believes that Namibia's greatest opportunity to create employment and reduce poverty rest with the education sector - thus the education sector must embrace the usage of ICT so that growth can come to the country's economy," said the parliamentarian.

"I would like to call on upon all stakeholders in education and ICT to put efforts together so that we succeed in making Namibia an ICT hub in Southern Africa," he added.

A well-known Ondangwa-based entrepreneur, Paavo Amwele, also donated building material valued at N$10 300 to the school for the construction of a classroom block which has been named after him. He also promised a further N$200 to the learner who passes with distinction. The money will be given every year.

The event was attended by the Oshikoto Regional Governor Penda Ndakolo and other senior government officials.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Francis Xoagub

Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 06.02.2012

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