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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Barbados Government is ensuring that it makes the most of the new technology becoming available to streamline its operations and improve its delivery of services to the general public.

Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, Senator John Williams, stated that Government had recognised the importance of electronic government (E-government) and the Ministry of the Civil Service had been given responsibility for managing the e-government initiative. Senator Williams said e-government was part of a larger reform programme, and would target the payment of taxes, duties, permits and licences and would also provide information to citizens on a 24-hour basis on their home computers as well as at public kiosks and community centres.

The minister also noted that the Data Processing Department had established GOBINET, the Government of Barbados Information Network, which presently had links to all of the government agencies on the Internet. Other e-government initiatives included the Enabling Environment for Private Sector Investment (EEPSI) used by the Ministry of Industry and International Business and the Customs Department’s use of the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA).

Senator Williams added that Government would also be shortly moving from the cash to accrual basis of accounting, making Barbados one of the first Caribbean governments to do so. With regard to customer service, he pledged Government’s full support of the National Initiative for Service Excellence (NISE) being launched under the aegis of the Social Partnership.

Quelle: The Barbados Advocate, 08.08.2004

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