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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Following the ministry advisory council meeting on Sunday, Minister of Communications, Dr Tahani Abdallah, stressed the importance of better coordination between the National Centre for Information and institutions concerned, to realise the objectives of the e-government project.

The minister asserted the need for the centre to improve service conditions of its staff in order to attract national experienced cadres.

Attachment of National Centre for Food Research to said ministry was also discussed at the meeting.

Read more: SD: Ministry of Communications Urges Acceleration of e-Government

Sudan intends to learn Azerbaijan's experience in creating e-government, the Azerbaijani Communication and IT Ministry said today.

According to the ministry, this issue was discussed in Baku within the meeting between Azerbaijani Communication and IT minister Ali Abbasov and Sudan's Minister of Science and Communications Issa Bashari.

Sudanese minister said that his country is ready to attract Azerbaijani companies in the privatization process in the ICT sector and participation in major projects implemented in Sudan, in particular close acquaintance with Azerbaijan's experience in creating e-government.

Read more: Sudan Invites Azerbaijani Companies to Participate in Privatization in ICT Sphere

Sudan is set to launch a high-tech civil registry project on 16 May, targeting vital events of 16 million of the country’s population as well as foreign residents

In a report presented to the council of ministers last month, Sudan’s Minister of Interior Ibrahim Mahmoud said that all financial and technical preparations had been completed to commence the process on Monday, 16 May.

According to Mahmoud, whose ministry will maintain the registry, the technical arrangements include advanced registration methods and ameliorated system of personal ID and civil fingerprint as well as the establishment of the registry’s communication network through optical fiber cables.

Read more: Sudan to launch advanced, nationwide civil registry in mid-May

Sudan is launching a civil registry project that expects to have the fingerprints of 8 million of the 16 million citizens and foreign residents collected for the country’s national database, according to a Sudan Tribune article.

Beyond simply collecting the biometric data of all the population, other aspects of the project include creation of a system for personal ID number and subsequent ID card that makes use of the collected biometric data for citizens and the establishment of a fiber optic-based communication network.

Read more: Sudan launching national biometric registry

The semi-autonomous Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) is pursuing an ambitious plan to establish fiber-optic communication network for faster and efficient system in the region.

This was announced by the Vice President, Riek Machar, during the official launch of a symposium on Information Technology (IT) under the theme, ‘Mitigating digital transformation challenges.’

In his opening statement which he read on behalf of the President, Salva Kiir, Vice President Machar said it was important for the government to link all the state capitals with fiber optic communication system and transform the government into an electronic government (E-government), which he also said was pivotal for public service reform.

Read more: South Sudan wants to establish fiber-optic communication system

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