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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In an era where information technology controls a large part of the global order of life, not many Tanzanians are aware of the opportunities that lie in the use of technologies from computing, electronics and telecommunications to process and distribute information.While the country focuses on achieving its long-term development strategies such as Mkukuta, little is mentioned about the potential that lies in the National Broadband Backbone network towards actualizing such national goals.

However, we hope that current attempts to connect districts to the National Information Communications Technology Broadband Infrastructure will help unlock the full potential that lies in IT.When completed, this project will revolutionise the delivery of goods and services. It will provide an opportunity for the country to embrace e-education, e-agriculture, e-commerce, e-government and telemedicine, among others.

The immediate impact of an e-service society would include the procurement of goods and services from the comfort of one’s home. With traffic jams negatively impacting businesses in our cities, the coming of e-services would help reduce costs of movement and congestion on roads.

But this revolution is dependent on many other factors, including the local investment environment. A robust e-service sector can only be realized if the cost of IT facilities and Internet connectivity is made affordable to many. At the moment, not many people are able to purchase a computer, leave alone getting an Internet connection.

The frequent power outages are another factor that would hinder investment in the sector if the government fails to find a lasting solution to electricity shortage in the country. We, therefore, urge the government to resolve the current power crisis to encourage not only the development of the e-service sector, but also rapid economic growth.


Quelle/Source: The Citizen Daily, 27.03.2011

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