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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Mafia District Council is on the verge of operating more efficiently, after transforming and improving its records management.This was revealed over the weekend in Kilindoni, Mafia by the Records Officer in the President’s Office – Public Service Management, Records and Archives Management Division, Mr Anthony Mwela during the start of an induction workshop.

“As we prepare to venture into the application of e-government, we are improving the record management systems for all ministries, departments and agencies in the country,” he said.

Mr Mwela said that the workshop which will last for ten days in Mafia is aimed at training and restructuring their record systems and sensitising users of record administration and the need for proper management.

He said that record management was vital for an organsiation as they provide a direction into decision making for the future and also provide a basis for accountability so that the rule of law can be applied during misuse of office.

Mr Mwela admitted that between 1970s and 1990s record keeping in the country had literally collapsed where it would take close to a month to retrieve a file but this trend has changed in many government offices due to the modernisation.

He said he was thankful to the government and donors for giving record management top priority but it depressed him to see that awareness was still low and how many people still regard it as a clerical job and not a professional one.

The Mafia District Commissioner, Mr Manzie Mangochie said that he was delighted with the ongoing workshop and that as the district was experiencing many problems, it was good that one was being reduced.

Mr Mangochie said that record management on the island was very poor with random occurrences of lost and misplaced records, so the workshop was a blessing. He added that the district had stayed for a long time without an officer, because many people refuse to work in Mafia.


Quelle/Source: DailyNewsOnline, 19.01.2009

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