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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The government has decided to bring all its agencies, including the cabinet division, under e-procurement system by December to check corruption and political nepotism in tendering.

The decision was made in a recent Planning Ministry meeting, presided over by minister AHM Mustafa Kamal. The meeting also decided to form a working group to introduce e-procurement system and include the cabinet committees on economic affairs and public purchase.

Members of the working group include officials from the cabinet division, power, public administration, ICT, local government, roads and highways divisions, and the water resources ministry.

According to the minutes of that meeting, World Bank-funded Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of the Planning Ministry is currently working on digitisation of the administration.

However, ministry officials said without strong information technology (IT) support, the e-government procurement (e-GP) system would not come to much use.

“One of the main problems with our existing tender process is the influence exerted by politically powerful quarters. The government is planning to introduce the system as most purchase decisions are made by the cabinet committee on public purchase,” said an official.

Clashes – sometimes lethal – between rival political groups centring government tenders are common in Bangladesh.

On February 15, 2011, the e-GP guideline was published as a gazette notification. Under this guideline, the government made it compulsory to follow e-GP guideline for public procurement.

A national web portal has been set up four agencies: directorates of local government engineering, and the roads and highways, the Bangladesh rural electrification Board and the Bangladesh Water Development Board – have been incorporated with a pilot e-GP project.

The relevant authorities have asked the ministries and divisions to use the compulsory e-GP system for government tenders worth over Tk50 crore and carry out procurement for intellect-based projects worth over Tk10 crore.

According the minutes of that meeting, a total of 100 government agencies under 25 ministries have now been brought under the e-GP system.

Prime Minister’s Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the e-GP web portal In June 2011. This complete e-GP solution introduced under the Public Procurement Reform (PPR) Programme is being supported by the World Bank.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Asif Showkat Kallol, Ishtiaq Husain

Quelle/Source: Dhaka Tribune, 26.04.2016

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