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Bangladeshi ICT entrepreneurs stressed the need for cooperation from the entrepreneurs of the neighbouring country

Bangladeshi ICT entrepreneurs Saturday sought training and business supports from their Indian counterparts for the betterment of the sector in Bangladesh.

They stressed the need for cooperation from the entrepreneurs of the neighbouring country, which is leading the ICT business globally, at a seminar on “ICT Development in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges” in Dhaka.

A delegation of Indian ICT entrepreneurs is now in Dhaka on a three-day visit to Bangladesh. They are scheduled to exchange views and experience, and make business plans with the Bangladeshi counterparts in next two days.

Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS), Bangladesh Association of Software & Information Services (BASIS) and India-Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industries (IBCC) jointly organised Saturday’s event as part of the initiative.

“The country has huge shortage of skilled IT professionals as the educational institutes cannot support properly. The IT institutions provide trainings to the professionals and then engage them in the firms,” Mustafa Jabbar, president of BCS told reporters in response to a question after the seminar.

However, Utpal Das, managing director at Gazelle Information Technologies, a training institute based in Kolkata, said the prime minister of India has formed a fund a couple of years ago with more than Rs5bn to provide training for IT professionals that is bridging the gap between fresh graduates and professionals.

“The Bangladesh government will have to be proactive and India is ready to provide training to Bangladeshi IT professionals,” he said, stressing the need for engaging more women participation in the sector as they are very good workforce. He suggested not to depend on other countries rather depending on own power to create new opportunities.

Abdul Matlub Ahmad, president of India-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IBCCI) said: “We want to go for joint venture with Indian entities.” He expected that the IT business in Bangladesh will grow in a way to reach the second largest exporting sector after the readymade garments.

In a technical session P M Sundararajan, a member of the delegation and Chief Executive Officer of SunSmart Global Ltd, suggested Bangladesh to showcase its products and skill to create value to get business.

India took 20 years to reach the current position, but the industry trend is changing very fast and new opportunities are opening for new players.

Sundararajan suggested Bangladeshis concentrating on mobile and tablet related software application as the use of desktop computer or laptop is shrinking globally.

In the inaugural session, ICT Minister Mostafa Faruque Mohammad hoped that the event will increase the business opportunity for both of the countries and will of course help the Bangladeshi business people.

Indian High Commissioner,Pankaj Saran, said Indian government is always helping to develop the IT sector of Bangladesh.

He added that Indian government will arrange scholarships for Bangladesh business people and offer easier business visas to promote the IT business.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Muhammad Zahidul Islam

Quelle/Source: Dhaka Tribune, 25.08.2013

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