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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
What is e-governance ? What are the benefits of e-governance? What can government do to make it work. Is it complementary to achieve goals of Digital Bangladesh-? These are questions which knock our imagination as we are on the road to 'Digital Bangladesh'.

The public demand for online services and information has became a driving force to increase democratic participation and the developed world have already made a good start of e-governance to benefit their citizens. Developing countries have also drifting towards introducing e-governance to cope with the change Bangladesh could not be an exception to that.

The use of ICT by different actors of the society to build their capacity and expand horizon of access to information is e-governmence. The other name of Information Communication Technology is e-governance when the society, particularly, the public sector use it with the aim to improving information and service delivery, encouraging citizens participation in governance process and decision making and making government more accountable, transparent and effective. E-governance is also known as e-gov, digital government, online government or transformation government. E-governance means use of ICT to efficiently and accurately provide and improve government services, transactions and interactions with citizens, business and other agencies. E-governance will ensure benefits to democratization, environment, speed, efficiency and convinience and public approval.

The multiple benefits of E-governance is that it is cost effective, time, energy and money saving. E-governance simplify the process of access to information. It ensures efficiency, improved services, accentability and transparency.

e-governance may be both online government or Internet based government and non-internet based. Internet based activities are regulatory service, general holidays, public hearing schedule, issue briefs, notification etc. While non-internet forms include telephone, fax, SMS text messaging, MMS, wirless networks, Blue tooth, CCTV, road trafic management, identity cards, online voting, TV and Radio based delivery of government services and instant messaging.

The strategic objective of e-governance is to support and simplify governance network for all stakeholders of the society-government, citizens and the business.

The use of ICT in various forms and manifestations can connect all three partners of the society and support process and activities. It uses electronic means to support and stimulate good governance and good governance can be seen as an excercise of economic, political and administrative authority to better manage affairs of the country in all spheres of national lives. It ensures citizens access to information, active citizen participation by access to public service and more transparancy.

Electronic government has now become a reality as the commited nations share it as vision. E-gov. ensures participation of citizens in a stronger way and larger number. Politicion and people can interact throughout the country and become aware of the views of the people on paticular issue through blogging and interactive surveys. Through proper application of e-governance people can know how government decisions are made and hold elected leaders responsible for their failures. This way government become more accentable and transparent. Through video conferencing leaders can meet the people and exchange opinions during polls.

It brings leaders close to the people as well as their problem to address. So e-governance can amply contribute in the democratisation action process.

Besides that from environmental point of view e-government lessens the burden of hard copy system reducing the use of papers and also accomodate huge information in Data Bank through server cutting down the number of paper records. It is less costly and occupy minimum space. In short, the advantages of e-governance are enormous.

Bangladesh has set its journey towards digitalization. Degitalization is a process towards achieving e-goevernance. We have to mobilige our efforts towards achiving e-governance as well as Digital Bangladesh-a gateway to prosperity.


Autor(en)/Author(s): N.S.M. Muzzammel Huq

Quelle/Source: The New Nation, 01.02.2010

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