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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government will set up a modern IT village at Karail of Mohakhali in the city.

The work of the IT village, to be established on 47 acres, is expected to begin by this fiscal year, State Minister for Science, Information and Communication Technology Yafez Osman told BSS on Tuesday.

"It has been included as a new project of the current fiscal year's annual development programme (ADP)," he said, adding that with the completion of the project it will be possible to provide more developed software and IT-based services at home and abroad.

The State Minister said the Science and ICT Ministry has been given the responsibility of implementing the National ICT Policy- 09 that was approved by the cabinet recently.

He said the work of every Ministry will be brought under the computer network by the next two years.

The government wants to spread ICT facilities across the country to establish e-governance, he said.

"To this end, all ministries, organisations, divisional, district and upazila offices as well as schools and colleges will be brought under network connectivity very soon under a project titled 'The Development of National ICT Infra-network for Bangladesh Government (Banglagovernet)'," he said, adding that the project has been undertaken with the cooperation of the Korean Exim Bank.

According to sources of the Ministry, initially the network will be set up at the Ministries, divisions, organisations and all districts and 35 upazilas.

"The network will be established at the Deputy Commissioner's office first at the district level and it will be expanded to all government offices at the district level," they said.

The sources said there is a plan to bring all upazilas under the network.

The state minister said 96 computer labs have been set up under a project titled 'The implementation of computer training programme at 128 educational institutions of 64 districts' to ensure access of the students of schools and colleges to the information super highway.

The lab has been set up at one government high school as well as one government college at the district level, he said.

The rest 32 labs will be set up in the current fiscal year, he added.

The ministry sources said a project has been undertaken to build a high-tech park at Kaliakoir in Gazipur.

The government is considering giving responsibility of constructing the park to a foreign company, the sources said, adding that Bangladesh Computer Council is carrying out primary work of the park to be set up on 231.685 acres of land at an estimated cost of Taka 26.86 crore.


Quelle/Source: The New Nation, 26.08.2009

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