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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The offices of the Bangladesh Planning Commission Campus will be interconnected and then the connectivity will be extended to the important government offices.

The ICT (Information Communication Technology) system will be built to automate some government process at the Planning Division, Economic Relations Division (ERD) and Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED).

Mia Abdullah Mamun, National Project Director of ASICT (Assistance to SICT) project said this at a workshop on 'e-Government' at the LGED Bhaban in the city yesterday.

The workshop was organised by ASICT, a project that is spearheading the implementation of e-Government solutions within the Planning Commission, ERD and IMED.

Jafar Ahmed Chowdhury, Secretary of the Planning Division of the Ministry of Planning, said, "When we will be able to sensitise and be able to run the e-Government system in the Planning Commission, we will advance to other branches, divisions and ministries of the government. We have another project in Secretariat called Backbone project where interconnectivity will be established among the ministries."

In the second session, the participants took part in an open discussion. The participants expressed their views on how e-Government can enhance interconnectivity to expedite the government decision and to reach the government services to the citizens to ensure transparency and accountability.

The government formed the SICT (Support to Information and Communication Technology) to strengthen e-Government. Later the UNDP took ASICT programme's initiatives to enhance e-Government.

Officials from the Planning Commission, IMED and ERD took part in the workshop.

Quelle/Source: The New Nation, 18.06.2007

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