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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Government has mobilised $7 million to fund youth technicians to develop software packages and applications that can be used to boost economic activity in the country.

Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services Minister Supa Mandiwanzira revealed this during the official opening of the Nkulumane Communication Information Centre in Bulawayo on Saturday.

He said his ministry has raised $7 million to give youths who are innovative to develop softwares and applications under the “Innovation Drive” initiative meant to empower youths in the country.

“As Government we must invest in our own people to become masters of their own destiny by developing their own software.

“We have started a programme where the President will officially open it. We have raised $7 million to give out to youths across the country who are innovative and are able to develop applications and softwares that we can use in our country,” he said.

“We are calling this initiative the “Innovation Drive” and it is done in partnership with all telecommunication operators in the country. We believe this will address the huge amount of US dollars we are shipping out to purchase softwares outside the country in European companies as well as Indian companies.”

Minister Mandiwanzira said this initiative will change the face of the economy as it will create employment opportunities in the country.

He also noted that the Communication Information Centres that are being opened countrywide were meant to lessen the burden for people when they want to acquire critical information and different Government documents.

“The CICs that are being opened around the country are meant to offer different e-Government activities to lessen the burden of queuing at the Registrar’s Office, for instance. We want people to apply for passports without any hassles,” said the minister.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Kiyapili Sibanda

Quelle/Source: Chronicle, 08.11.2017

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