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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Government will soon launch a web portal which will be the internet based entry point to all Ministries as the state moves towards electronic governance, an official said on Tuesday. Speaking at the Zim-Asset Stakeholders Communication Support Workshop, Office of the President and Cabinet head of public affairs and knowledge management, Mary Mubi said the website was one of the platforms to be used to enhance service delivery through information dissemination.

“Very soon we will be launching a Government web portal which will be the entry point to government Ministries which we hope will be regularly updated so that it gives you information on key decisions so that as citizens you can also send feedback,” she said.

Ambassador Mubi added; “The web portal is one aspect of it, the other part is the whole issue of e-governance. We are now trying to get our websites active in terms of the technology upgrade and so on.”

She said almost all government Ministries had websites, though they were not being updated.

“It is something that we are working furiously on, to make sure that most of our policies are on government websites and also as a window for citizens to be able to make suggestions.”

“As a department, one of the key things that we are going to be doing is monitoring to make sure that all the websites are updated on a regular basis,” she said.

Ambassador Mubi said the 0PC had been working on a communication strategy for the country’s economic blueprint, Zim-Asset (Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Social Economic Transformation).

“And basically this is a stakeholder meeting because one of the things that the Zim-Asset strategy talks about is stakeholder involvement, which is mobilising the private sector, NGOs and others.

“This will be done so that we move towards improved, coordinated promotion, awareness raising and understanding of Zim-Asset issues and related initiatives that contribute to Zimbabwe’s sustainable development and economic growth and transformation,” she said.


Quelle/Source: The Herald, 18.05.2016

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