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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Local Government secretary Killian Mupingo has urged local authorities to embrace e-governance to improve their management systems and service delivery.

Mupingo made the remarks last Friday at a workshop organised for city fathers from Manicaland and Mashonaland East provinces.

“It’s high time that we in the local government sector get appropriately equipped in terms of e-government so that we have strategic approaches to this subject,” he said.

“The e-government programme is no longer an optional programme anymore.

“It’s a mandatory paradigm shift, which we should follow to remain relevant.”

Mupingo added that Zimbabwe’s local authorities should move with time like other councils in several countries both in Africa, which managed to utilise e-governance to improve service delivery.

Speaking at the same workshop, the principal director in the Modernisation Department in the Office of the President and Cabinet Solomon Mhlanga described the use of technology by local and central government as positive rebranding.

“The e-government is an enabler that facilitates the overall implementation of the results-based management programme through the use of information communication technologies (ICT) to improve service delivery,” he said.

“Any local authority that chooses to ignore the ICT revolution may do so at its own peril since its environment demands it to be ICT complaint.

“It is therefore, within this context that the government has embarked on the immediate implementation of e-government in order to bring the government closer to its people, to reduce corruption, bureaucratic red tape and business costs associated with traditional public administration and out-dated methods of service delivery.”


Autor(en)/Author(s): Obey Manayiti

Quelle/Source: NewsDay, 11.03.2013

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