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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Main invited guest President Robert Mugabe said all educational institutions in the country should benefit from government’s e-learning programme regardless of their location.

ICT minister Nelson Chamisa criticised service providers for profiteering despite duty exemptions for most of their communications equipment. He urged telephony providers to seek funding from investors rather than from the public.

Chamisa said Zimbabwe has made significant strides in the ICT sector and use of technology had increased from 13 percent to 72 percent.

Chamisa said the e-learning programme will also be introduced in clinics and hospitals, among other institutions. He also said e-government is already functioning, as computers have already been introduced to parliamentarians.

He said ICT is the backbone of any developing nation and his ministry will ensure that by 2015, every household should have access to, or be exposed to, the digital world.

Mugabe was speaking during the inauguration of the E-learning Programme at Chogugudza Primary School in Domboshava this Wednesday.

The E-learning Programme, a brain-child of Information Communication Technology Minister, Nelson Chamisa is also known as the National E-learning Programme, entails bringing on board e-learning software solutions.

This inaugural launch saw Mugabe opening a computer laboratory equipped with 84 top of the range computers at the school.

In his address, the ageing tyrannt said government shall harness the cooperation of alternative energy companies to make sure that the abundant solar energy that Zimbabwe has is fully utilised.

Mugabe said the newly launched e-learning programme marks a phase that focuses on establishing networked computer laboratories in primary and secondary schools throughout Zimbabwe.

The programme will incorporate the installation of e-learning content and the provision of internet connectivity to enhance teaching and learning.

The Presidential E-learning Programme is also expected to yield the development of websites and web-based applications for universities, colleges, research institutions as well as primary and secondary schools.

“The websites and web-based applications will facilitate online administration of examinations, library research and online interaction between schools and other stakeholders,” said Mugabe.

The technology-shy President went down memory lane narrating how his government since 1980 has committed itself to quality education and how Zimbabwean graduands have acquitted themselves well internationally in various fields of specialisation.

He pledged that Zimbabwe will continue to maintain, cherish and guard jealously its reputation of being the education torch-bearer regionally and internationally, through constant reviewing of the curriculum.

The ceremony was attended by thousands of school children, heads from Goromonzi district, chiefs, captains of industry and top government officials that include, Mashonaland East Governor, Aeneas Chigwedere; ICT Minister, Mr Nelson Chamisa; State Security Minister, Sydney Sekeramayi; co-Minister of Home Affairs, Mrs Theresa Makone; Local Government, Rural and Urban Development Minister, Ignatius Chombo and the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture, Senator David Coltart.


Quelle/Source: The Zimbabwe Mail, 29.03.2012

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