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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Government has intensified efforts to market the concept of e-Government to the people as it moves to bring its services to people through the use of information communication technologies.

e-Government is the use of ICTs to enhance access to and delivery of services to citizens, business partners and workers.

It involves the automation or computerisation of the existing paper based procedures that will prompt new styles of leadership and deciding strategies, new ways of transacting business and interacting with the public.

An official manning the Information Communication Technology Ministry’s stand at the on going Harare Agricultural Show yesterday said the concept harnesses ICTs.

The new technology, he said, widens area network, the world wide web and mobile computing to reach out to citizens and business and other arms of Government.

He said once implemented people would be able to apply for documents like birth and death certificates and passports.

"This is part of our strategies to improve the use of ICTs in Zimbabwe as well as develop extensive and supportive and enabling infrastructure to ensure use and access of new communication technologies to our marginalised people.

"It also seeks to increase interface with business and industry and information, empower citizens through access to knowledge and information to make operation of Government more efficient and effective," the official said.

The programme areas will focus on establishing and managing e-Government structures and applications at national level taking into consideration the national ICT policy.

Under the programme, the ministry will also develop, adopt and implement ICTs, paying particular attention to technology transfer and value addition, infrastructure development and management.


Quelle/Source: The Herald, 27.08.2009

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