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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
"e-Government creation experience based on example of Azerbaijani IT company SINAM's tax administration modernization project (ITAS) and technological innovations of Oracle information technologies" conference was held in Bishkek, the company said today.

According to the Information Policy Department of Kyrgyz Government, representatives of presidential apparatus, parliament, government, donor community, banks and other institutions and companies were invited to participate at the conference.

The purpose of the event - acquaintance with available experience on creation of e-government at the regional and global levels, further development perspectives, finding the ways of bilateral cooperation in this direction.

It should be noted that presently state bodies of Kyrgyzstan are very active on application of e-government principles and operation modes in the country. Creation of e-government is the one of the priorities of the "National strategy for sustainable development of Kyrgyz Republic for 2013-2017".

During the conference Azerbaijani SINAM Company shared its experience in the field of development of information systems for e-Government on example of Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS) project. The project is realized by ADB in cooperation with the Kyrgyz Government. Project's goal is the introduction of modern tax administration system covering main business-processes of the State Tax Service of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Up-to-date IT-technologies were used within this project implementation. It should be noted that, for the first time in Kyrgyz Republic, the Oracle Business Intelligence system was used for the creation of analytical reporting system. This product, designed for creation analytical systems and establishment of accountability, provides modern platform for business analysis allowing to timely get complete and important information for better decision-making across the whole organization.

In their joint presentation SINAM and Oracle gave detailed information about this software and its application opportunities on example of ITAS project.

In the "Review of DB Technology and Prospects in Oracle activities" presentation the Company provided information on the most famous product - Oracle Database. For today, this database management system has become an invariable part of any big information system. Also, company representatives spoke about Oracle Exadata DB machine integrated platform which is designed for deployment of all database applications and consists of database management servers, information storage systems, peripherals and networking equipment as well as software.


Autor(en)/Author(s): H. Valiyev

Quelle/Source: Trend, 04.02.2013

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