Uzbekistan intends to adopt Kazakhstan’s experience in developing public services, Kazakhstan’s Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption reported Dec. 22.
State Services Department Director Adilbek Mukashev met with representatives of Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Justice, and presented one-stop-shop centres and the e-government system, where the Kazakh side presented its experience in assessing, controlling and publicly monitoring the quality of public services.
Kazakhstan’s achievements in this sphere were presented to the Uzbek side, including new evaluation approaches and methods of stimulating governmental bodies to optimise public service providing processes. These measures have helped reduce corruption.
Kazakh representatives also briefed their counterparts on the Digital Kazakhstan state programme that is designed to reduce corruption and bureaucracy, ensure transparency in governmental bodies and better protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, businesses and the interests of the state. Measures already taken under the programme have helped Kazakhstan take leading positions in the e-government development index among Asian countries and rank 33rd out of 174 countries in the UN e-government development index.
Uzbekistan’s officials showed interest in Kazakhstan’s experience and briefed the Kazakh side on their plans to develop the public services in Uzbekistan applying Kazakhstan’s best practice.
As part of the measures being taken to create favourable conditions for the population and provide centralised public services in Uzbekistan work is underway to form a new agency under the President – the Agency for Operational Services. The agency will provide timely and high-quality public services throughout the country and increase the efficiency of governmental agencies.
Following the meeting, the sides agreed to continue cooperation with Kazakhstan providing the methodological and advisory assistance to improve public service.
Autor(en)/Author(s): Aigerim Seisembayeva
Quelle/Source: The stana Time, 05.01.2018
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