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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Kazakhstan’s “electronic government” is introducing new services in 2011. About 15 new offers are planned to be launched on the web-portal this year. One of them is related to birth registration. Necessary documents will be processed automatically without parents’ participations and through special data bases of state bodies. The “National Information Technologies” Company is the one in charge of developing and expanding the web-portal. The portal issued 19 thousand electronic certificates in early 2009 while in 2010 their number totaled 2 million. Since the beginning of 2011 people obtained over one million different documents from the website. Advanced telecommunications infrastructure should become a competitive advantage in hopes of attracting investors, said Nursultan Nazarbayev at a session on April 17th involving the cabinet members. In particular, this applies to the development of electronic government. According to the rating, the UN department has a leading position in the CIS in terms of readiness to use electronic government technologies. As of today, the portal provides over two thousand information-related and over 70 interactive types of services.

Ruslan Yensebayev, deputy chairman, National Information Technologies:

- This is what we call an integration stage of electronic government’s development. We are on the threshold of this stage and are planning to yield certain results this year.

A tariff cut on communication services is yet another relevant scope of the information and communication ministry’s activity. President Nursultan Nazarbayev asked for making communication tariffs and the Internet speed competitive in the world. Interconnect rates, or network connection to another service provider, are being reduced at the moment.

Yergazy Omarov, deputy committee chairman, Kazakh Ministry of Information and Communication:

- An agreement on reducing this rate by 40% within 4 years has been reached with mobile network operators. A cut by 15-20% took place in December 2010. Thus, the rate dropped to 16 tenge from 19 tenge.

Internet connection speed doubled in 2010 and, moreover, the price for users remained the same. However, the ministry of information and communications is currently studying the validity of prices of five largest providers together with the Competition Protection Agency. As a result, prices may climb down further.


Quelle/Source: Caspionet, 22.04.2011

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