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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A demonstration of the new web-portal’s design of Kazakhstan's E-Government has been held today in Astana. According to head of the Agency on Informatization and Communication (AIC) of Kazakhstan Kuanyshbek Yessekeyev, the Фgency is going to improve a complex of the interactive services within the frame of the E-Government.

“Work on implementation of the web-portal was started in April, 2006 and became user-available since February 5, 2007. Besides, there was created a necessary level of the Quality Management System (QMS) corresponding to ISO 9001:2000 international standards”, CEO of National Information Technologies JSC Batyr Makhanbetazhiyev underlined.

“In particular, the web-portal is divided into 4 blocks: authority, citizens, business and foreigners”, head of the project Gulnar Nygymetova said.

Quelle/Source: Kazinform, 07.03.2007

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