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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
2 thousand new public internet venues are going to be opened as a part of the "e-government" programme in Kazakhstan. Askar Zhumagaliyev, chairman of the Agency for computerisation and communication of RK, has stated this today, July 19, at a round table "Development of the e-government of RK and Kaznet," Kazakhstan Today correspondent reports.

Mr. Zhumagaliyev has explained that in these public venues there will be free access to the internet, moreover, the users will be able to reach the portal of the "electronic government," "it is possible that in the course of time the access to Kaznet will be available in these venues," - he specified.

Currently, according to Mr. Zhumagaliyev, there are 46 such venues, by the end of the year their number will grow to 460, by the end of 2007, there will be 726 such venues. "According to our assessments, 2 thousand public internet venues will cover demand of 50% potential users of the "electronic government" portal in Kazakhstan, the remaining 50% will be covered at the expense of individual PCs," - Mr. Zhumagaliyev has concluded.


Quelle/Source: Gazeta, 19.07.2006

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